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Early Childhood Center
Congregation Beth Elohim
Spring Trimester 2025
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday!
3pm - 3:45pm
(For ECC Students only - ages 3 and up!)
Enroll now - We Prorate late starts!
Mondays - CBE Ballroom
ECC Gymnastic!
(Includes pick up from ECC!)
9 weeks - $342
March 17, 24 April 7, 21 28 May 5, 12, 19 June 9
No classes: March 31 Eid al-Fitr, April 14 Spring Break, May 26 Memorial Day & June 2 Shavuot
3pm - 3:45pm
CURRENT STUDENTS - Enroll thru Parent Portal:
NEW STUDENTS - Enroll Below:

Classes are for ECC students only.
ECC children are only allowed to enroll for 3:00-3:45pm classes.
Half day children will be dropped off by a parent or caregiver and full day children will be picked up from their classrooms.
If a child is signed up for extended day, they will be brought to the extended day classroom by Gymstars instructor after class and signed in with ECC Extended.
Makeups can be scheduled on any available days with 48 hours notice.
See our other POLICIES HERE for safety and billing info.

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